Understanding anxiety: How a psychologist can help you manage your symptoms

Anxiety affects so many of us. Symptoms vary, but are usually characterised by persistent and excessive worry, fear, or unease that can significantly interfere with daily life.  Often, anxiety presents alongside depression. Getting help from a psychologist can make all the difference in being able to manage your symptoms and improve your overall well-being.

Some of the ways psychologist can assist you in understanding and managing your anxiety include:

1. Accurate diagnosis.

A psychologist will provide an assessment to establish whether you have an anxiety disorder and, if relevant, identify the specific type of anxiety you may be experiencing. This could include Generalised Anxiety, Social Anxiety or Health Anxiety.  This assessment usually involves discussing your symptoms, emotions, and experiences to make an accurate diagnosis.

2. Psychoeducation.

Understanding what anxiety is, and its root cause can be a helpful step towards managing it better. Psychologists can provide valuable information about anxiety disorders, while explaining underlying causes, triggers, and the physical and emotional symptoms you may experience.

3. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT).

CBT is a commonly recognized and effective treatment for anxiety. Psychologists who are trained in CBT can help you notice and challenge negative thought patterns and reveal core beliefs that contribute to your anxiety. They can teach you the essential techniques to challenge irrational thoughts, reframe negative thinking, and develop healthier coping habits.

4. Relaxation techniques.

Psychologists can introduce you to various relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation. These techniques help to reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety by promoting relaxation and acceptance, and improve overall emotional well-being.

5. Exposure therapy.

If you’re suffering from a specific phobia, or anxiety related to certain situations, your psychologist might suggest exposure therapy. This would involve gradual and safe exposure to the feared situation or object, helping you to confront it and prevent ongoing avoidance.

6. Stress management.

Psychologists can also help you to develop effective stress management techniques to reduce anxiety triggers. Time management, problem-solving skills, assertiveness training and self-care practices can help to enhance your ability to cope with stressors using healthier strategies.

7. Support and validation.

Talking about your anxiety with a psychologist provides a safe and nonjudgmental space to express your thoughts and emotions, which increases normalisation of the problem. Psychologists are trained to provide empathy, support, and validation, which can be beneficial in building resilience.

The specific treatment approach may vary depending on your psychologist’s training and preferences, along with your own unique needs and circumstances. Psychologists are skilled at integrating a range of interventions to suit individual requirements and preferences.

If you believe you may be experiencing anxiety symptoms, reach out to Explore Psychology in Geelong – we can provide you with the guidance and support to help you better understand and manage your anxiety, and lead a more fulfilling and balanced life.


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